What we do
At any given time, WNNB staff is researching, reviewing, and providing advice on files surrounding legislative and policy issues, land and resource usage, fisheries, forestry, and environmental assessments. The work we do is dedicated to ensuring that Wolastoqey Aboriginal and Treaty Rights are respected and all Wolastoqey communities are advocated for and supported. Explore below to learn more about our work!
Crown Lands
The Wolastoqiyik have occupied the lands and waters of what is now known as New Brunswick since time immemorial. Over the past centuries, these resources have been increasingly appropriated by third parties, drastically impacting the ability for Wolastoqey Communities to exercise their protected Aboriginal and Treaty rights.
Learn more about the work WNNB does on Crown land and land transactions.
The Wolastoqey hold Aboriginal and Treaty rights to fish for food, social, ceremonial and commercial purposes within Wolastoqey Territory.
Click here to learn about the work WNNB does for Wolastoqey fishing rights.
The Wolastoqey have a proven Aboriginal domestic timber harvesting right.
Click here to learn about the work WNNB does to protect Wolastoqey forestry rights.
Community and Rights Advocacy
WNNB does work in many areas, advocating for Wolastoqey rights and Communities.
Click here to learn more about advocacy work being done by WNNB.